
Mostrando postagens de abril, 2008


OS 72 NOMES DE DEUS O alfabeto (Alef-Beit) hebreu contem profundos segredos da Criação. O clássico cabalista Sefer Yetzirah (Livro da Formação) ensina que a consciência criativa existe em três estados (espaço, tempo e alma), que são refletidos na forma, nome e equivalente numérico de cada letra. A Cabala contém os códigos e sistemas que aplicados às Sagradas Escrituras nos permitem de perceber o significado intrínseco dos ensinamentos, em quatro níveis fundamentais: 1) simples ou literal 2) simbólico 3) filosófico e moral 4) esotérico e secreto As letras do Alfabeto Hebraico, 22 letras, associadas de várias formas, indicam as várias manifestações de DEUS – J H V H . A cabala decifrou o significado espiritual das três frases que aparecem no Livro do Êxodo (Capitulo 14, vers. 19, 20, 21). Êxodo 14: 19 “Então o anjo do [verdadeiro] Deus, que ia na frente do acampamento de Israel, afastou-se e foi para a sua retaguarda e a coluna de nuvem afastou-se da...

As Gunas

THE INDIAN AND BUDDHIST ELEMENTS, AND THE GUN.AS The Chândogya contains the earliest Indian view of the elements. There are three: 1) fire ( agni ), 2) water ( ap ), & 3) earth ( prithivi ). These emanate in sequence from each other. Fire is associated with oil, butter, and fat, while earth is associated with all other kinds of food. Each, as food, gives rise to three bodily subdivisions: Fire into bone, marrow, and speech; water into urine, blood, and prân.a (breath); and earth into feces, flesh, and mind. The three elements of the Chândogya effectively correspond to the three of the Sankya School and the Bhagavad Gita , with a change in sequence. The three are the three forces of nature in Sankhya thought, which, even more, are the causes of everything that happens, of which the true Self (âtman/purus.a) is only the spectator, and the sources of attachment and bondage, the causes of rebirth in the natural or phenomenal world ( pra...


Fantasy Seven Element Theory China ends up with two systems of five elements, one from Chinese philosophy and one imported from India with Buddhism. Three elements match in each system, fire, water, and earth. The Chinese elements then include two missing from the Buddhist elements, metal and wood; and the Buddhist elements include two missing from the Chinese, air and aether (or the void). Chinese philosophy thus has, as a matter of fact, seven elements, although these were never combined into one system. In combining them now, as a fantasy exercise, we might take a clue from Western philosophy, where the seven planets were the basis of the theory in Mediaeval alchemy that there were seven metals . As it happens, the five naked eye planets in Chinese astronomy were matched up with the five elements. In the adoption of the SEVEN DAY WEEK from the West, Chinese usage then assigns the five planets to the days of the week apart from Sunday and Monday, which are then named, obviously ...